Church In Mission
The church is always on mission. When we gather to worship and pray and when we return to our homes and workplaces we are on the mission field. This is one reason why the committee is now titled "Church In Mission" (CIM).
There will not be a designated monthly meeting but instead, we will meet whenever a specific project needs accomplished. See below for some of the ongoing projects we are collecting items for.
We collect all our items in the upstairs coat rack!
There will not be a designated monthly meeting but instead, we will meet whenever a specific project needs accomplished. See below for some of the ongoing projects we are collecting items for.
We collect all our items in the upstairs coat rack!
Ministering Locally
The City Rescue Mission is always looking for non perishable food items for their Food Pantry. Cereal, Mac & Cheese, crackers, canned soup, canned fruit, canned beans, cake mix, icing, spaghetti sauce, etc.
Ministering Abroad
Ministering at Home
We maintain a Missionary cupboard that visiting missionaries can "shop" in for items that they need or can't get when they are on the Mission field. We currently need the following items to restock the cupboard:
Bath towels & wash cloths Sheet sets Batteries (all sizes) Socks (all sizes) Notebooks/Tablets Duct Tape Stationery Bar soap Band-aids Toothbrushes & toothpaste Handi wipes Men's deodorant Mouthwash Hair Conditioner |